EN 149:200l+Al:2009

EN 149 is a European standard of testing and marking requirements for filtering half masks. Such masks cover the nose, mouth and chin and may have inhalation and/or exhalation valves. EN 149 defines three classes of such particle half masks, called FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3, (FFP = filtering facepiece) according to their filtering efficiency.

FFP2 mask

FFP2 face masks with and without exhalation valve

Aerosol filtration percentage: Not less than 94%.

Internal leak rate: maximum 8%.

This mask offers protection in various areas such as the glass industry, foundry, construction, pharmaceutical industry and agriculture. It effectively stops powdered chemicals. This mask can also serve as protection against respiratory viruses such as avian influenza or severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with the coronavirus (SARS), as well as against the bacteria of pneumonic plague and tuberculosis. It is similar to the N95 mask.

Read CEN/TC 79 - Respiratory protective devices from European Committee for Standardisation for more details




EN 511:2016